British model Daisy Lowe has recently teamed up with the Sunday Times to front
their ‘Fit Not Thin’ campaign. Personal trainer and ex-Olympic speed skater, Sarah Lindsay,
told the Sunday Times she thinks “the message that fit is the new thin is
brilliant, I applaud Daisy Lowe not bowing to pressure to be model
skinny. It’s extremely encouraging given the size zero look that has
plagued the past decade”. She goes on to say how she thinks the Olympics
has had an influence on this view and that more and more of her customers are
asking for guidance to tone up rather than just lose weight.
Will this signify a change for fashion? There’s no
denying that over the years steps have been taken to build awareness of eating
disorders however were still bombarded with impossibly thin models and I feel
that’s the way fashion will stay as it is aspirational. Although I agree that
women should focus on being strong and healthy, and lets be honest skinny girls
look better in clothes fit girls look better naked.