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Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Wonderland Week 1

Okay so it's coming up to a week since I started my very first internship, the original plan was the blog daily but I'm actually surprised myself how tired I've been this week, after a month of working at Next 10am starts are a god send but then I guess the week or two off I had before I came back to London made me completely lazy and the shock of having to cook and clean for myself hasn't helped. 
Anyway, so last Wednesday I started my first ever internship at Wonderland magazine, after weeks of stressing that I wouldn't find a placement I finally got one doing what I wanted. I'm basically assisting the online editor Danielle and the editor Jack, so basically transcribing, writing blog posts and looking after social media etc. I've always wanted to work at a magazine so I was super excited but also completely shitting it to start. I have never interned before and don't know anything about the running of an independent fashion magazine so I was both nervy and excited about what I'd learn. 
My first day I was eased in with writing just a few pieces for the website, I've done this most days, mostly reviews from LC:M and Milan Mens Week, I've also done some research and tweeting. I assume when I've been there longer I will be trusted with more but everyone is so lovely and its really chilled. Its nothing like people pre conceptions of fashion magazines from things like the Devil Wears Prada, everybody eats, no ones in heels and no one judges you for wearing a Primark coat (#guilty) its all very relaxed which is good and its such a small team thats its so much easier to get to know people and create better contacts. Theres another intern Gillian whos Irish and shes really nice as well. 
I've only seen the editor in cheif when he comes up to go over the progress of the magazine and the flat plan, I love having a nose at all the stuff that comes in like editorials etc, listening to the conversations that fly about also adds to the entertainment. 
We're working on the next issue atm which features guest editor Emma Watson and is released on the 7th Feb, being sent to the printers on Monday/Tuesday so its all a bit hectic at the moment as the last bits of work comes in and trying to decide on a cover is proving difficult! 
Today I had much more to do which was good I felt busy all day, I transcribed an interview Jack did with Ryan Lo earlier today which took a while, transcribing a quitely spoken Chinese guy is harder than you'd think! I've also been shown how to post on the website as before I was just emailing my posts to Danielle so now I can just put them straight up and I've also been asked to assist Danielle on a Chanel shoot tomorrow!!! Im super excited to say the least but its an early start so I best get to bed and will post more updates daily/weekly/when I can find the energy ahhaha. 
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